Tuesday 22 March 2011

Poker In The UK

Poker Games

The winnings for poker games can vary dramatically. They will depend on a huge number of factors including game betting limits, pot size, player skill/experience and also opponent skill/experience.

You could win anything from a couple of dollars through to huge pots worth hundreds of thousands. The biggest prize events will attract some of the top players around the world. For example players that managed to finish in the last top 20 positions in world events can take home $10,000+ in bonus prize money alone. You can find out more about big money events from top websites such as http://www.pokerstars.co.uk

Skill Level

A bad card player blames his cards. Professional card players stake a lot of money when they enter the big money events. They cannot afford to have bad cards. This means that they learn how to take advantage of as many different hands as possible. This high level of skill and experience is essential to achieving higher winnings.

If you want to enter the big prize events then you need to be at the top of your game. This means taking the time to practice and learning as many new techniques and strategies as possible. You can pick up some great new tips online from blogs and also direct from online gaming venues.

Top Events

Some of the best money events are tournaments. These are organised by online and offline casinos and features some big money poker games. Most tournaments are based on elimination style rounds. All players will start off with the same amount of chips and will play on until they have lost their stack. They will then be eliminated from the round and unable to continue. Some events do offer the opportunity to buy back into the event with more chips at certain points. Players that make it through to the final round will often get some impressive bonuses for achieving a high finishing place.

Rush Poker

You can increase your chances of winning by boosting your table time. Rush poker games are ideal for this as they offer the maximum number of hands in each session. With rush poker the players will sign in online and join a waiting group. Players will then be selected randomly and placed at poker game tables ready to play. As soon as you leave the hand (through folding or the game finishing) you will then be placed back in the group ready to be picked for the next poker game. You can get maximum table time in with rush poker software and this can help you boost your chancing of increasing your bankroll.

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